Sunday, October 9, 2011

Storyboard of Video Presentation ...

The link below is to my storyboard.  This is a first draft so all comments/feedback are appreciated!  

(Cathy - thanks for the website).


  1. AJ,
    Nice storyboard! I came across an article by Davidson-Shivers et al.,(2001). This qualitative study explored the relationship if any of sychronous and asynchronous chat and threated discussions on the effectiveness of online learning. The students were 14 graduate students. The data was coded and results indicated that both modes of communication were liked by all students. The article is referenced below. However more recent research may prove differenctly.

    Davidson-Shivers,G.V., Muilenburg, L. Y., & Tanner, E. J. (2001). How do students participate in synchronous and asynchronous online discussions. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 25(4), 351-366.

  2. Hello AJ,

    Since this is the storyboard, I know that it is just the outline draft of the presentation. Taking that into consideration, my suggestions/observations are based upon the rubric.
    • I think your title is effectively stated.
    • You have a very nice start with the visuals and graphics. Do you have any plans to add video clips?
    • The rubric cautions us to not “use an overreliance on words.” A lot of your slides have a lot of text. For example, on slide #2…rather than having each bullet written out as a whole sentence, you could choose key words to summarize the bullets (internet access, class portal, uploaded assignments) and then use an audio track to expand on the meaning. Slide #8 is another example of a slide that could be broken down into 3 slides.
    • You have provided a nice overview of the specifics of your topic. Have you critically analyzed the impact that these synchronous and asynchronous interactions have on distance learning?
    • Do you have 6 research studies? I only see 3 in your reference list.

    It looks like you are off to a great start with your project. I’m looking forward to seeing your final project. Good luck!


  3. Thank you both for your comments/suggestions. This is a work in progress so your input will help me develop it into a crisp final project!!
